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Souleymane's Story film image; man in toque standing in a city street

Souleymane's Story

L’histoire de Souleymane

Ignite High School Screening

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Cycling through crowded Parisian streets while hustling as an illegal food courier, Souleymane has less than 48 hours to prepare for his asylum interview by rehearsing the details of his migration from Guinea between deliveries. Only, the story he’s desperately trying to memorize is a lie. Exhausted by the grueling grind of the gig economy and hopping between homeless shelters, Souleymane barely has the time—or the money—to meet with Barry, an immigration broker who promises that a fake story about political persecution in Guinea will guarantee asylum. Racing against time as he navigates the faceless bureaucracies and merciless systems fencing him in, Souleymane struggles not to lose himself in his pursuit of freedom.

Winning multiple awards at Cannes, Souleymane’s Story is a thrilling social realist drama centered around a virtuosic, heartrending performance from non-professional actor Abou Sangare in his debut role. An angry, tender film which is as gripping as any thriller.


Jury Prize, Best Actor, Un Certain Regard 2024


Abou Sangare, Nina Meurisse, Alpha Oumar Sow, Emmanuel Yovanie, Younoussa Diallo, Ghislain Mahan

Country of Origin





In French, Fulah and Malinke with English subtitles



94 min
Action & Suspense Award Winners Drama

Credits & Director


Bruno Nahon


Boris Lojkine, Delphine Agut


Tristan Galand


Xavier Sirven

Boris Lojkine headshot; Souleymane's Story director

Boris Lojkine

Boris Lojkine, a philosophy graduate from the Ecole Normale Supérieure, left academia after his thesis to make documentary films in Vietnam, including Ceux qui restent (2001) and Les âmes errantes (2005). His first feature, Hope (2014), was presented at the Critics’ Week in Cannes and received dozens of awards in international festivals. In 2019, Camille won several awards, including the Audience Award at Locarno. His third film, Souleymane’s Story, was presented in Cannes’ Un Certain Regard section in 2024.

Filmography: Hope (2014); Camille (2019)

Photo by Leonie Lojkine





Oct 2 9:30 am International Village, Theatre 10
Oct 3 9:30 am International Village, Theatre 10


Both screenings have sold out. If you would like to join the waitlist, fill in the booking form below.

How to Book

Free for schools, capacity for all films is limited. To book, submit your request with the online form below. Our Ignite team will respond to confirm availability and complete your booking.

Questions? Contact our Ignite team at [email protected]

Booking Request Form

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