The lives of three women nurses are front and centre in Payal Kapadia’s luminous Mumbai-set drama. Prabha (Kani Kusruti) works long hours to avoid thinking about her husband, who left for Germany long ago and eventually stopped calling. Her younger roommate, Anu (Divya Prabha), spends her evenings with her Muslim boyfriend, while dodging calls from her parents, who are looking to set her up with a Hindi husband. Meanwhile, Parvaty (Chhaya Kadam), an older widow, is being pushed out of her home by greedy property developers.
Winner of the Grand Prix at this year’s Cannes Film Festival (a historic first for an Indian film), All We Imagine as Light derives considerable power from its steady accumulation of quotidian detail. As a minor character puts it in a line of poetry, “My dreams are made of everyday things.” A moving portrait of resistance and camaraderie, it is a film that finds beauty and solace in the unlikeliest of places.
A glorious film.
Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian
The beats of All We Imagine as Light are calibrated with hypnotic grace creating a rhythm that induces pure pleasure.
Sophie Monks Kaufman, Indiewire
Media Partner
Payal Kapadia
Kani Kusruti, Divya Prabha, Chhaya Kadam, Hridhu Haroon, Azees Nedumangad
In Malayalam and Hindi with English subtitles
Grand Prix, Cannes Film Festival
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Indigenous & Community Access
Thomas Hakim, Julien Graff
Payal Kapadia
Ranabir Das
Clément Pinteaux
Production Design
Piyusha Chalke, Yashasvi Sabharwal, Shamim Khan
Original Music
Dhritiman Das