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Never Look Away film image; person holding video camera in front of giant smoke plume

Never Look Away

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CNN combat camerawoman Margaret Moth could have walked out right out of the of the movie Civil War. “The camera was her bazooka,” one of her TV news colleagues says. Margaret was an action junkie; the war zone was her flame. She was in Kuwait, in Sarajevo, in Lebanon… (the footage is sometimes harrowing.) Under fire, she was fearless, and in a male dominated profession, she never backed down to a bully. Quite literally, she stared down violence. She sported Joan Jett hair and she liked to fuck younger men (they liked it too). This bold and incisive portrait by (that) Lucy Lawless suggests what made her tick, and while she would ultimately pay a heavy price for it, you come away persuaded that Moth found her true calling.

Never Look Away leans into its subject’s complexities, presenting viewers with a layered, intelligent study of a woman who lived unapologetically and ferociously.

Tim Grierson, Screen International

Compact yet complex portrait of a singularly and aggressively unconventional war correspondent who inspired equal measures of admiration and anxiety among her friends, colleagues and lovers.

Joe Leydon, Variety


Lucy Lawless


Christiane Amanpour

Country of Origin

New Zealand





84 min

Book Tickets

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Matthew Metcalfe, Tom Blackwell, Whetham Alpress, Lucy Lawless


Darryl Ward, Richard Bulk


Whetham Allpress, Tim Woodhouse

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