As a bonus to our Bong Joon-ho series, a side trip to Tokyo! This arty anthology film features three mid-length films by Michel Gondry, Leos Carax, and (the best of the bunch) Bong. A young couple arrives in the big city but finding an apartment isn’t easy in Gondry’s film. Carax unleashes his id-actor, Denis Levant, on the unsuspecting Japanese. While Bong gives us a tale of hikikomori: a young man who has shut himself off from the world for a decade, until a pizza delivery girl rocks his world…
Three tantalizing films for the price of one movie ticket.
Reyhan Harmanci, San Francisco Chronicle
Bong Joon-ho, Leos Carax & Michel Gondry
France/Japan/South Korea
In English, French, and Japanese with English subtitles
Book Tickets
Monday January 20
Indigenous & Community Access
Bong Joon-ho, Leos Carax, Michel Gondry
Also in This Series
Memories of Murder
Parasite director Bong Joon-ho's police procedural is the centrepiece of our retrospective and arguably his masterpiece. Certainly, among serial killer movies this one is on a par with Zodiac and The Silence of the Lambs, but more politically astute.
Barking Dogs Never Bite
Bong's first film is a genial black comedy involving the deaths -- accidental and otherwise -- of several dogs in a Seoul apartment complex. Saturday's screening will be followed by a talk by Distinguished Professor Dal Yong Jin.
Bong #6: his wackiest movie, centered on a genetically modified super pig the size of a hippo. Raised by a Korean peasant farmer, prize specimen Okja is called to New York to launch its new food product. But animal liberationists mean to disrupt the show.