Jason Buxton’s thriller stars Ben Foster as Josh, a husband and father who comes unmoored from the safety of middle-class life. When he, his wife Rachel (Cobie Smulders), and their young son Max (William Kosovic) move into a home on the outskirts of town, they discover something the realtor hadn’t flagged: the road in front of their property contains the sharp corner of the title. A deadly car accident happens on their first night of occupancy, and things get worse from there…
Less a film about physical danger than one about emotional pathology, Sharp Corner gains in power as Josh becomes increasingly obsessed with car crashes—not out of fear, as a more conventional film might portray, but rather out of a perverse attraction. Foster plays the role with just enough understatement to match the film’s mode of escalating menace, and Buxton directs with a terrific feel for social tension, escalating derangement, and the small but decisive shifts with which we can go over the edge.
Sept 27: Q&A with director Jason Buxton and producer Paul Barkin
Sept 28: Q&A with director Jason Buxton
Ben Foster, Cobie Smulders, Gavin Drea, William Kosovic
At International Village
At Fifth Avenue
Book Tickets
Indigenous & Community Access
Credits & Director
Executive Producer
Cameron MacLaren, Kristen Figeroid, Marc Schaberg, Noah Segal, Adrian Love, Laurie May, Peter Graham, Stephen Hays, Donald Johnston, Sheila Johnston, Robert Munroe
Paul Barkin, Marc Tetreault, Jason Levangie, Jason Buxton, Susan Mullen
Jason Buxton
Guy Godfree
Jorge Weisz
Production Design
Jennifer Stewart
Original Music
Stephen McKeon
Jason Buxton
Jason Buxton was born in England and raised in Nova Scotia. He studied film at Simon Fraser University, and holds a BFA from Nova Scotia College of Art and Design. His debut feature Blackbird (2012) won Best Canadian First Feature at TIFF.
Filmography: Blackbird (2012)
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