Directed by multiple Goya award winner and Emmy nominee José Luis Lopez-Linares, this lip-smacking tour of Spain’s best known wine region dives into the push and pull between tradition and innovation in an industry that is led by family dynasties. The land itself is delicious to behold, sun-dappled villages and vineyards skirting the winding River Ebro. We hear from big, famous brands and artisan wineries, historians, cultural representatives and award-winning oenologists. We learn about the evolution of Rioja wines, the impact of technology, climate, experimentation and experience. And then we come out and enjoy another glass…
Sunday’s screening will be followed by a guided wine tasting led by Pablo Sanz, from Meditaste, who will be presenting wines from Bodegas Olarra, a winery in Logrono, La Rioja, the heart of the province and appellation.
Meditaste is a passionate wine import agency based in Vancouver, BC, committed to sharing the beauty of Mediterranean-inspired wines with our community. Meditaste understand the joy that comes from discovering new flavors and celebrating rich cultural heritage.
José Luis Lopez-Linares
In Spanish with English subtitles
Book Tickets
Indigenous & Community Access
José Luis Lopez-Linares
José Luis Lopez-Linares,
Pablo B. Guzman
Original Music
Jorge Magaz