For ticketing assistance, you can reach us at on the VIFF Infoline 604-683-3456 or [email protected]
Wheelchair Positions: We encourage patrons requiring wheelchair positions to call ahead to reserve. The adjacent companion seat is also available to reserve.
Support Companions: Support persons who accompany patrons with disabilities are eligible to receive a complimentary ticket. Contact the Infoline to book ahead or book in-person at the Box Office.
Accessible Tickets: We offer a limited number of discounted tickets to each film for folks who face financial barriers and may not be able otherwise to attend a film. Discounted tickets are available on our website or at the Box Office while quantities last.
Venue Information
VIFF Centre (VIFF Cinema & Lochmaddy Studio Theatre), 1181 Seymour

Parking: Metered street parking
Entrance: Street level
Wheelchair positions: 4 spaces (VIFF Cinema), 3 spaces (Studio)
Washrooms: Fully accessible gendered washrooms upstairs or with elevator access. Fully accessible universal washroom available on first floor
Accessible Screenings

Relaxed Screenings
Our monthly Relaxed Screenings are open to anyone who could benefit from a more casual, supportive and laid-back experience.

Captioned Screenings
Our Wednesday matinee Captioned Screenings welcome anyone who benefits from subtitles and captions.
Access Information
Hearing Assistance 
The VIFF Centre is outfitted with a hearing assistance system. A signal is fed directly from our audio system into supplied headsets. The device user can adjust the volume to suit their needs. Please check in with venue staff or volunteers to obtain a headset.
Closed Captions 
Closed caption devices are available for a limited number of screenings. For venues with devices, these fit into a cupholder and can be adjusted for the user’s comfort. Please check the website for screenings with closed captions. Please check in with venue staff or volunteers to obtain a device.
Open Captions 
Open captions are similar to subtitles and display dialogue and sound descriptions onscreen in text throughout the film. Film screenings featuring open captioning are designated with a “Open Captioning” on the film page. Please check the website for screenings with open captions.
Descriptive Video 
Descriptive Video headsets are available for a limited number of screenings. For venues with devices, the headsets enable the user to adjust the volume of the video description audio as well as have a separate volume control for the film audio itself. Please check the website for screenings with descriptive video.