In this enchanting animated short, a woman is confronted by death and taken on a journey through her past in a cosmic, and microcosmic, garden of life, death, and renewal.
No Dialogue
May frighten young children
Credits & Director
Nick Daly, Evie Metz
Evie Metz
Original Music
Nick Daly
Evie Metz
Evie Metz is an artist and educator whose work explores the cycle of life and the values of human beings. Her animations are created in collaboration with Nick Daly, who composes all of the sound effects which underpin the visual worlds that Evie handcrafts and brings to life. Her world-building process blends animation, sculpture, and photography with a focus on femininity, otherness, and the natural world. This work can be humorous and playful while at the same time addressing existential and mythical aspects of the human experience.
These award-winning short animations have been included in the Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art Biennial and the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. They’ve screened at festivals such as Glasgow Short Film Festival, Chicago International Film Festival, and the Maryland Film Festival. Online publications include NJStage, RVA Mag, NoBudge, and Girls in Film.