This classic Taiwanese animated film follows a young boy named Dou-Dou as he adjusts to life with his grandmother while his mother is away. While initially bored with his new surroundings, he discovers that his grandma is a supernatural expert who regularly contends with ghosts! Soon, circumstances make it possible for Dou-Dou to see and interact with spirits, too, resulting in plenty of paranormal adventures. He meets specters of various dispositions, including the gentle apparition of a young girl.
Preceded by the short film Have You Eaten? (5 min)
A daughter returns home and has an intimate conversation about immigration to Canada, barriers of communicating, and love with her mother.
Presented by
Shau-Di Wang
Po-Wen Chuang, Ying Wen, Jeffery Hsu
In Mandarin and Taiwanese with English subtitles
Open to youth!
Book Tickets
Indigenous & Community Access
Li-ming Huang, Choon Man Lee
Li-ming Huang
Original Music
Gerald Shih