What's On
Fly Me to the Moon
Spanning three decades, this powerful drama tells the story of a Hong Kong family of immigrants from the Mainland. Working as writer, director, and star, Sasha Chuk maintains an intimate focus as she takes us through 30 years of love and struggle.
Universal Language
In a wintery, Farsi-speaking city that’s equal measures Winnipeg and Tehran, storylines entangle and the concepts of space, time, and identity grow increasingly opaque. Inventive and absurd, Rankin's poetic fable reminds us that Winnipeg is a wonderland.
The Heirloom
A struggling filmmaker and his girlfriend (real-life couple Ben Petrie and Grace Glowicki) adopt a traumatized rescue dog during the COVID lockdown. Petrie’s hilarious debut is a perfect mix of quarantine comedy, dog movie, and boldly meta autofiction.
Everybody Loves Touda
Irrepressible Touda dreams of being a Sheikha, a respected traditional Moroccan performer empowered by the lyrics of the fierce female poets who came before her. Inspired by their songs of resistance and emancipation, she sets her sights on Casablanca.
Elisapie - Uvattini
JUNO award-winning Inuk artist Elisapie presents the West Coast Premiere of her new multimedia show, Uvattini.
Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion
A police chief murders his mistress, in an effort to prove that his position in society makes it impossible for him to be caught. Petri’s Cannes and Oscar-winning 1970 film is part pitch-black satire, part police-procedural, part psychological thriller.
Matt and Mara
Featuring terrific performances from Deragh Campbell and Matt Johnson, this is a film that buzzes with vitality. In exploring the fraught, ambiguous relationship between two writers, director Kazik Radwanski produces indelible, deeply relatable moments.