In a future without humans, a solitary black cat survives a tsunami and finds refuge on a sailboat with a ragtag crew of animals: an excitable Labrador, a drowsy capybara, a materialistic lemur, and a gallant secretary bird. As he navigates a mystical, flooded world with his new companions, the cat must overcome both his fear of water and his wariness of others. Having made a splash at Cannes 2024, this atmospheric animated feature, complete with an orchestral score, provides an enthralling, emotional adventure for all ages.
Grounded with the use of animal sound recordings in lieu of any dialogue, Latvian director Gints Zibalodis’ sophomore feature deploys a dynamic virtual camera and gorgeously rendered environmental detail to bring to life a mysterious post-apocalyptic setting in which only artifacts of humanity’s influence remain. An entertaining allegory about the challenges and virtues of teamwork plays out through Flow’s delightful cast of critters.
Jury Award, Annecy 2024
One of the most groundbreaking animated films about nature since Bambi.
Christian Blauvelt, IndieWire
Community Partner
No Dialogue
Indigenous & Community Access
Credits & Director
Matīss Kaža, Gints Zilbalodis, Ron Dyens, Gregory Zalcman
Gints Zilbalodis, Matīss Kaža
Léo Silly-Pélissier
Original Music
Gints Zilbalodis, Rihards Zaļupe
Gints Zilbalodis
Gints Zilbalodis is a Latvian filmmaker and animator. After directing a string of animated short films, Zilbalodis’ debut feature, Away (2019), which he made entirely by himself, was awarded the Contrechamp Award at Annecy. Flow is his second animated feature film, having its world premiere in the Un Certain Regard section at the 2024 Cannes Film Festival.
Filmography: Away (2019)
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